
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A January Walk (The 2015 Edition)

January flew by - as she always does. And despite the cold I still enjoy exploring my new hometown. This little stretch of woodland lies near my home, and I can cross it on my way to the supermarket. Not a bad way to get around, I can tell you ;) Last year, when I had my January Walk at the same place I had it the year before and the year before that, I would have never ever guessed to be where I am today. But I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to break free of old habits, and be inspired by so many new things!

Now it's off to February we go - my least favorite month of the year… Even though it's short in days, it always feels so long, and I already crave for Spring. But I guess we should make the most of Winter while it lasts… So bring on the warm socks, hot tea and coziness, and we'll make it to March :)

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