Sunday, June 5, 2016
Enjoy the Little Things
I strongly believe we should enjoy the little things in life. And sometimes, I take that quite literally ;)
This weekend my garden was buzzing with life in the warm sunshine, so it was time to dust off my macro lens and DSLR. I always love working with my macro lens so much!
The longer you look, the more you see :)
Sunday, May 22, 2016
A Little Update
As far as blogging is concerned, these might be some of the most absent months since I started over a decade ago ;) But I don't mind, because it meant I was super busy doing other stuff! I started a course of Tai Chi, reconnected with old friends, met all kinds of new people, enjoyed loads of fun dinner-parties, discovered new beautiful places and spent three days straight sitting in the sun sipping drinks with friends. There was a birthday-related roadtrip, with all kinds of birthday-related loveliness including family, a high tea and a swimming pool (yes please!). Also: BBQ, cocktails, wedding dresses (not for me ;) and (a bit of...) studying. Oh, and I decided to buy a house this year. *YIKES!!*
So yeah, blogging wasn't on top of my list these past few months.
But I can't really say I mind ;)
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sunday, February 21, 2016
My New Normal (and a Wintery Walk)
Hey Blogland! I'm afraid blogging wasn't real high on my priority list lately! Instead work, dinners, day trips, cocktail parties and high teas filled my year so far.
I've also been pondering on what I would like to achieve this year. Last year was all about getting back on my feet and enjoying my new life. But now my new life is my new normal, and the question is: what's next? Because I can't shake the feeling I'm not quite there yet. Right now I am dividing my time and energy over a hundred little things, which makes for a comfortable and stable life. Which is very nice!! But what would happen if I would pick a certain direction, focus most of my time and energy on it and follow it through? And more importantly: which direction would I chose?! What do I consider to be the most important things in my life?
So.... I did what any sane person should do in the face of all these important life-questions. I took a break and enjoyed a wintery walk through The Wild ;) And at the end of the walk I didn't have one single answer to any of my questions, but I did have a few lovely snapshots of a lovely day.
So at least that's something ;)
Enjoy! x
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year ( and a Three Year Anniversary)
Hello Blogland, and a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope your 2016 will be filled with happiness, health and laughter. And cats. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate ;)
After all the heartache and victories that filled my 2014, my 2015 was the year I was allowed to enjoy my new life. I enjoyed my driver's license and the roadtrips I was able to take. I enjoyed photographing my way through everyday life and creating some new creative projects in the process. I enjoyed my new job, the places it got me and the people I got to meet. I enjoyed volunteering at the local animal shelter. I enjoyed living on my own for the first time in my life and making my own choices without being criticised. I enjoyed my wonderful apartment and my new beautiful hometown filled with so many friendly people. And most of all I enjoyed finding out more and more about who I really am.
This year went by so very quickly, and somehow I felt as though I could have done more with my time. But then I went through all my photographs and realised how much has happened, and how grateful I should be for such a wonderful year filled with sunshines, laughter, family and friends. And I am.
So goodbye 2015. You were lovely.
2016: Let's go and be awesome together :)