Monday, April 6, 2015
About Endings And New Beginnings
Hey Blogland! I feel like I haven't been around here in ages, but I guess it was only a month. And it feels like I've been living in my current home forever but I only moved last December. That also means I started my new job only six months ago... which is insane. I can hardly remember my old life - it feels a lifetime away.
I guess it's remarkable how quickly the mind settles when all is well, and you have found a place in the world to call home again. It felt good not expecting anything of myself, and then making steps in the right direction anyway. These last weeks were filled with work, social outbursts, Dutch Comic Con, reading and binge watching, a colorful brunch slash housewarming party, early morning walks, a lot of creativity and even some crochet pattern designs of my own!
There are still pieces of myself missing, and some I will never get back - but that's okay. I'll fill in the blanks as I go along :)