Just some snapshots I took over the last couple of weekends. Admiring a pretty leaf, finishing a little embroidery project I rediscovered during my move, visiting biodiversity center Naturalis in Leiden and saying hello to curious deer.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015
Exploring January
One of the coldest bike-rides of my life… but so glad I went exploring the woodlands near my new hometown last weekend! If it's this pretty in winter, I can't wait until spring :)
Thursday, January 8, 2015
2015 Flow Diary
A new year means starting a new diary!! :) Just like last year I couldn't resist Flow Magazine's weekly notebook. This year's edition is illustrated by Rebecca Green and it's filled with lovely colors, patterns and drawings throughout.
You can get your own copy here.
Monday, January 5, 2015
My Word of the Year 2015
Hey guys! Remember how I explained last year how I prefer choosing a Word of the Year over New Year's resolutions? I love the thought of a word bringing some kind of guidance throughout the year, helping me to set goals and make decisions in a certain spirit.
So my Word of the Year for 2013 was freedom, and last year I chose adventure. And boy, did I get more adventures than I bargained for in 2014… I basically saw my whole life fall apart, had to sell my home, switched jobs and moved to another town - all within 8 months time! It was a lot to deal with in one year, I can tell you that…
So 2014 left me in pieces - bummer. But there's nothing I can do about that anymore. Now I'm counting on 2015 to give me a chance to rediscover what makes me truly happy and pursue new paths. I'm in desperate need to retake control over my life, reset my goals and redefine who I am. And I would like to be as creative as I possibly can in the process.
So my word for 2015 is re-create, and I hope it will bring me inspiration and guidance.
Now let's go find out what 2015 has in store for us, shall we? :)
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year (and a Two Year Anniversary)
Hello Blogland and a very happy New Year to you all!!! :) I seriously hope 2014 was a better year for you than it was for me, although I am grateful for all the lessons, love and friendship I experienced these past twelve months. Circumstances were crappy, but my feet managed to bring me to new, exciting places nonetheless, and that's something I should really cherish. I also managed to keep blogging throughout the year, and even though I couldn't always find the right words or be as creative as I wanted to be, I feel like my little blog got a little more comfortable with itself along the way. After two years I still love collecting moments here, so I'll definitely continue in 2015 :)
I hope these next 365 days will bring love, happiness and amazing adventures to all of us!!
~ Jenny